Navya Colors

Wall Painting Service

Splashing on a fresh coat of paint is the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to refresh your home interiors. Aside from just painting the walls, you can also use them as the room’s accent or décor. With a little artistry and a lot of imagination, your walls can be highlights of the room or the house! Here are some easy DIY wall paint ideas and designs that will instantly transform the wall from humdrum to fabulous. Check these out and get ready for some painting.

Wall Painting Gallery

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Start by thinking about how you want the finished project to look and remember that you’re not limited to four walls in the same color. Consider painting an accent wall in a bold hue or highlighting moldings in a contrasting shade or finish. And don’t forget to look up and see whether the ceiling could use a refresh as well.

Start by figuring out the general color characteristics: Do you want a warm or cool shade? A neutral or a saturated shade? If you have existing furniture or art, you’ll also want to consider how the shade will compliment them. Once you have a sense of what you’re looking for, pick a few shades and get samples. Test the shades to see how they look in the room at different times of day. here there are few Steps to Painting Walls Like a DIY Pro.

  • Plan your approach.
  • Choose your color.
  • Pick out your tools and materials.
  • Determine how much paint you'll need.
  • Pick your painting techniques.

You don't want to damage your favorite sofa or that heirloom Grandma gave you, so empty the room of all the furniture. If you don't have enough space, push everything to the center. Cover the pieces with a drop cloth or lightweight plastic sheeting and do the same with the floor. Don't skip the drop cloth, paint will splatter, we promise. Remove outlet and light switch covers and apply painters tape to protect outlets and switches from paint drips.

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